Physical Medicine

Physical Medicine is what I provide to get your body to move and function its best. It is a combination of different techniques, integrating various forms of manual medicine to provide you a faster recovery after an injury or relieve you of those aches and pains that prevent you from enjoying your life.

My patients often experience a 50-75% reduction in symptoms after the first visit using this approach. The techniques I use help restore optimal function to the nervous system, muscles and joints in order to reduce the pain one is experiencing and promote healing. By integrating soft tissue therapies such as Fascial Distortion Model (FDM), instrument assisted fascial release, Dynamic Myofascial Release, Active Release Therapy (A.R.T.),  and Fascial Manipulation, I am able to help rid you of scar tissue and inefficient movement as well as loosen tight muscles. Contemporary Medical Acupuncture is used to increase blood flow to your injured area and improve your well being. Chiropractic Joint Manipulation and Mobilization helps to ensure that your joints move better. Kinesiology Taping helps to get the right muscles moving for the right reasons or help train you to keep better postures while at rest or during physical activity. 


  • Joint Manipulation
  • Joint Mobilization
  • Sacro-Occipital Technique
  • Diversified Technique
  • Drop Piece Technique
  • Neural Mobilization
  • Kinesiology Taping


Osteopathic Manipulative Techniques

Soft Tissue Therapy and Fascial Manipulation